Law and Environment in Traditional Gabonese Society

Where: Knight Law Center Campbell Auditorium

Professor Guy Rossatanga-Rignault is a professor of law and juridical advisor to the Gabonese Presidency. He has authored and edited many books on law and history in the country, and serves on the International Advisory Board for the Gabon-Oregon Transnational Research Center on Environment and Development. Professor Rossatanga-Rignault is a world-renowned expert in Law and Political Science, and has published 19 books and articles. His most recent work includes “Le travail du blanc ne finit jamais. L’Africain, le temps et le travail moderne” (The White Man’s Work Never Ends. The African, Time and Modern Work), “Laver le corps: Symbolique et thérapeutique de l’eau en Afrique” (Washing the Body: Symbolism and Therapeutics of Water in Africa) and “L’Etat au Gabon: Histoire et institutions” (Gabon and the State: History and Institutions).