Global Oregon Smartphone App Survey

Led by Claire Weil and Alison Walt, the Global Oregon undergraduate student team is developing a mobile app for smartphones to be used in the 2012-2013 academic year. The application will ‘go live’ twice during the coming academic year, inserting a 7-question survey on internationalization into the UO smartphone application. After completing the survey, participants will be eligible to win prizes from the University of Oregon Duck Store.

This project will be repeated each year and aims to enhance internationalization by providing data and support information for future Global Oregon projects. It is intended to raise awareness on campus regarding Global Oregon and affiliated international opportunities. Additionally, the data gathered from the surveys is expected to jumpstart new research projects.

This is one of the first projects to be conceived, organized, and carried out solely by Global Oregon undergraduates. The larger Global Oregon community is excited about this project and we look forward to future project overtures from our undergraduate community.

Would you like further information regarding this project? Interested parties can contact Claire Weil at