Original story written by Jennifer Richardson with KEZI 9 News. (2015, August 28). Retrieved from KEZI.
EUGENE, Ore. -- A University of Oregon student is spending a couple of months abroad making a difference.
Master's student, Craig Wiroll, joined forces with the Save Elephant Foundation in Thailand and is trying to do his part providing care and assistance to the captive elephant population.
The Freeman Internship Fellowship allowed him the opportunity to spend three months working on projects in Southeast Asia to help rehabilitate the elephants at Elephant Nature Park.
But, these animals are now on the endangered species list.
KEZI 9 News spoke with Wiroll by Skype to hear about his mission.
"This is something that my kids won't be able to experience the concept of elephants unless we do something to stop the eradication and poaching of elephants and the destruction of their natural habitat," said Wiroll.
He's hoping to play a small part in changing that.
Learn more about Save Elephant Foundation.