Where: EMU
ISO begins Wednesday, September 18, 2013.
All incoming international students must attend all days of ISO in person. Register for ISO by September 13.
Undergraduate students login into your Duckweb student account. If you have any trouble getting registered, please contact iso@uoregon.edu. For detailed instructions on how to register click here. Please note you must fill out the Intent to Register form and wait 24 hours before you can sign up through Duckweb.
Graduate and Post-Bacc students - We are expecting you at ISO. Please come at the above date and time. You do not need to sign up.
Plan Your Arrival Date
See ISO dates below. Plan your arrival to be in Eugene before the start of ISO. Your program start date on your I-20 or DS-2019 also corresponds with the beginning of ISO, so please plan ahead. If you miss the first day of ISO, it can be challenging to catch up. When you are making your plans remember that adjusting to the time change can be challenging! You must attend all days of orientation in person.