APRU Women in Leadership Mentorship Program 2024

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (top 61 research universities in 18 economies around the Pacific) is seeking faculty mentor and mentee applications for its Women in Leadership Mentorship Program.The APRU Asia Pacific Women in Leadership (APWiL) Mentoring Program provides international and intercultural opportunities for the empowerment, professional growth, and development of aspiring women leaders within APRU. This program matches mentors and mentees from APRU member universities of the Pacific Rim. Through one-on-one mentorship as well as seminars and hands-on workshops featuring diverse leaders, participants are able to explore tools and methods for overcoming barriers to women’s leadership. In particular, the program intends to:

  • Grow the pipeline of aspiring women leaders within APRU.
  • Identify professional opportunities for growth and skills development of APRU aspiring women leaders.
  • Increase awareness of challenges that aspiring women leaders face within the region.
  • Connect senior leaders at APRU institutions with emerging women leaders to create an effective network and share successful strategies.
  • Introduce global and intercultural dimensions to leaders across the APRU network and beyond.
  • Advance ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity of participants’ institutions.

To date, 16 UO women have participated in the program and continue to meet on campus to build internal leadership capacity. Participants in the fourth cohort include:

Mentor, Nancy Cheng, Associate Professor, Architecture

Mentee, Jina Kim, Associate Professor, East Asian Languages

The fifth cohort mentor-mentee pairs will meet one-on-one (online format) from November 2024 to October 2025.  

If interested in being a mentor or mentee, please email Nancy O’Brien, by July 10, 2024 with your name, department, rank, and a short paragraph on your interests in becoming a mentor or a mentee in this program.